Making this birdfeeder is really very simple. I got the idea of using soda bottle a few years back on the internet, and have been boiling down the design since then. This feeder is not in itself squirrel-proof, though it can be hung from a squirrel-proof pole. But a beauty of this design is that it�s cheap and easy enough to make that you can build them faster than squirrels can destroy them - the Liberty ship of bird feeders.
So here you go.
Take two empty plastic soda bottles, I prefer two liters. Wash them out and take any labels off.
Cut the first bottle�s top off, as shown in the diagram.
Cut four evenly spaced slits on that bottle from the top rim down to where it starts narrowing towards the bottom. Cut out two of the opposing sections you�ve just created.
Punch some holes in the bottom to allow water to drain and put a hole in the bottle�s cap.
Take the cap off the second bottle. Drill/burn/punch a hole in the center of the bottom. Punch small holes in the bulges that form the bottle�s �legs� and cut a pretty big hole in one of these supports. You�ll be able to fill the feeder through this hole.
Knot/twist into a secure ball one end of the wire. Run it up inside the second bottle, through the hole in the center and in through the top of the first bottle. You can form the wire into a hook or loop to hang the feeder by.
Place the second bottle in the sectioned bottom of the first bottle far enough that the opening is about the height of the first bottle�s rim and tape the two to secure them.
To fill the device, just slide the �lid� up the wire and pour in some feed. A third bottle can be used as a funnel.

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