In Praise Of The Appliance-mobile

Okay. So my 4-cylinder ’99 Toyota Camry lacks a little flair. But it’s built like a brick and after 90K miles it’s never let me down. It’s a point-A-to-point-B appliance – for someone who doesn’t care too much about the “bling” of their toaster or car, they just need their tools to work.
So I was watching a British show about cars. They set out to test just how tough a Toyota really is by all means possible. True, they were testing a truck, and true, it’s not like the English know much about reliable vehicles, but it was still quite impressive.
First they drove it down a long flight of steps.
Then they drove it around town, smashing into walls.
By the way, this does read like, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”
They drove it down to the seaside, where they roped it to a cement ramp and waited for the tide to come in. The waves bashing against it tore it loose and it rolled around on the sea floor until the tide went out again.
A few hours with a basic toolbox and it was running again.
So they drove it through a building.
And dropped a camper on it.
After driving it out from under there, they slammed it with a wrecking ball.
Then they set it on fire.
And drove it onstage.
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