Hunter & Gatherer Weekly

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Location: Wake Forest, Shelby, Chapel Hill...., North Carolina, United States

Ex-Shelby Star photographer, wrote a weekly outdoor adventure column. Now I'm a law student at UNC-Chapel Hill....

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Copy of FB message to talkshow host

Sir, I listen to your program via satellite radio, and I also, as well as you, have a background in both journalism and law -- these two disciplines seem to go together quite well! During a recent program of yours that referenced the changing nature of the US electorate and future issues for the Republican party, a line of mine that I've been using for a couple years crossed my mind -- "old white guys who voted for Nixon are not a growth demographic." When I expressed my joke to a quite senior elected official of a Southern state some while back at an oyster roast over a beer, we laughed in what I perceived as concurrence and I wonder if such changes in the populace may not foretell an eventual, and perhaps sharp, shift in some things -- at some point, gerrymandered districts can't be engineered any further, and (particularly referencing my South) there's enough Northerners moving down, Hispanics moving in, and elderly folks moving on that the ballots shall swing.... I haven't counted the numbers myself, but from what I understand, there have been decreasing degrees that R's have been defeating D's in some NC Congressional runs, even in spite of the districts being drawn as they are (on another note, and I don't agree with extreme gerrymandering by either side, but I've kinda thought of the I-85 district as a Rorschach test... looks kinda like part of an outline of an elephant to me...). I hear tell the D numbers have been rising, even eclipsing those of my dear friends in another loyal party, and it's only a matter of time. Best wishes, John


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