Hunter & Gatherer Weekly

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Location: Wake Forest, Shelby, Chapel Hill...., North Carolina, United States

Ex-Shelby Star photographer, wrote a weekly outdoor adventure column. Now I'm a law student at UNC-Chapel Hill....

Wednesday, July 01, 2015


I was in a conversation recently with someone who said that they "were from LA, so North Carolina wasn't their thing." Hey now! It may have its share of challenges, folks who are kind of insular, and some weird characters who can't figure out why a lot of the rest of America doesn't want to be like they are, including in the voting booth... but I've been to LA, and it's not that bad, has lots of good points, and I really enjoyed visiting -- it's certainly not so incommensurate from everyone else's homes in the South or the Pacific Coast, or the Northeast, Midwest, or anywhere else around the world that there needn't be any knocking. Don't be too hard on yourself, buddy. Bless your heart :) It goes for both sides -- I'm not sure big tents always win elections, but small ones don't make things any easier getting to 50% + 1.


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