Hunter & Gatherer Weekly

My blog, my webpage, me....

My Photo
Location: Wake Forest, Shelby, Chapel Hill...., North Carolina, United States

Ex-Shelby Star photographer, wrote a weekly outdoor adventure column. Now I'm a law student at UNC-Chapel Hill....

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Church Music....

... so for some reason, the Loreleis, one of UNC's premier lady acapella groups, practices at one of my churcheson Sunday nights. A little farther down the hall I can hear Gregorian chants as the choir warms up for Compline. Walking a little farther, there's organ music wafting up through the walls....

Don't know if anyone else notices the beauty of it all, but I am struck.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Care Packages....

I was at the post office today shipping off another couple care packages to Iraq.

The student at the counter, who I know from the German department, says that I'm the first person she's ever seen who could correctly fill out the customs form to ship to an overseas American military address.

Well, I've had a lot of practice over the last few years

Not sure how I feel about that.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

"NC pair feud over leg"

This made it all the way to the BBC:

Maiden, NC, is what, one county over from Shelby.

Actually, I'm damned proud we made the BBC!