Hunter & Gatherer Weekly

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Location: Wake Forest, Shelby, Chapel Hill...., North Carolina, United States

Ex-Shelby Star photographer, wrote a weekly outdoor adventure column. Now I'm a law student at UNC-Chapel Hill....

Sunday, March 09, 2008


How about them ‘Heels?

I have always been a North Carolinian. My family on my American side has been here three generations. I’ve grown up here, this is my home, and I’d be happy to see a fourth generation of Derricks in North Carolina.

But only over the years have I realized what it is to be a Tar Heel.

I remember as undergrad hearing Gov. Jim Hunt speak on our Quad about the history of our new nation’s first public university. As a poor ex-colony, we didn’t have the rich patrons of New England’s Harvard or Yale. But we as a state recognized the importance of education and had the audacity, the audacity, Gov. Hunt proclaimed, to found our own school – a university of the people.

I remember standing in a classroom in Germany, telling fellow study abroad students from all over the world the legend of how we became the Tar Heels – taking a slur of derision against poor barefoot workers burning pine trees to make tar and turning the name into a title of honor as our soldiers stood their ground in battle, while other Confederate units retreated, “because of the tar on our heels.”

But I have never been prouder to be a Tar Heel than this evening on Franklin Street, when thousands of us cheering, chanting, fire-jumping basketball fans spontaneously, with one accord, grew quiet for a moment of silence in memory of Eve Carson, our Student Body President who was taken from us this week.

This is how we win.

This is how we celebrate.

And this is how we mourn our loss – with the strength, spirit, and honor of the historied, legendary Carolina family of Tar Heels.

I’m a Tar Heel….