Hunter & Gatherer Weekly

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Location: Wake Forest, Shelby, Chapel Hill...., North Carolina, United States

Ex-Shelby Star photographer, wrote a weekly outdoor adventure column. Now I'm a law student at UNC-Chapel Hill....

Sunday, October 25, 2020

"Oh, you’re from North Carolina? I’m from LA – I wouldn’t be into that."

Getting a certain kick out of places like my home State of North Carolina being referred to as lynchpins of the election. Back before the last presidential go-around, I was out for some post-run conversations in the Northern Virginia area (with a running group that isn’t one of my local Shirlington outfits), and I was overhearing lines from folks who thought it was weird that someone even knew someone who owned a firearm, found it unusual that someone had been married in a church, and “oh, you’re from North Carolina? I’m from LA – I wouldn’t be into that.” And now you want our votes? Happy to help – done! But, btw… I’ve been a (very minor) elected Dem party officer, I voted Biden/Harris, my firearms are in a gun safe hundreds of miles away, my theology is about as progressive as you find in the mainstream, and I’m a North Carolinian with (lest you think we don’t know how to wear shoes) six college professors in the immediate family. I guess for the sake of forward motion I’m okay with sharing the big tent with some Berkeley student who abhors everyone to the right of Bernie, any elitist Northeasterner shocked that anyone from south of exit 34 in New Jersey didn’t come off the set of “Deliverance,” and every Dupont Circle 5th level vegan who won’t eat anything that cast a shadow (got that one off “The Simpsons”) – basically, I’m a raging moderate. But wouldn’t mind if you remembered some of the more centrist roots of our victory while we’re addressing climate change, a main focus of mine. Thank you for remembering folks like me. I assure you, folks like me aren’t forgetting. I assure you.