Hunter & Gatherer Weekly

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Location: Wake Forest, Shelby, Chapel Hill...., North Carolina, United States

Ex-Shelby Star photographer, wrote a weekly outdoor adventure column. Now I'm a law student at UNC-Chapel Hill....

Monday, December 21, 2015

BTW, sorry, but blogger isn't spacing paragraphs right now for whatever reason... And I'm the only person pretty much who reads this, so I'm not gonna waste a lot of time on it.... I'm a German-American and a Southerner, but I really don't take any offense to what other folks do with hot dogs and BBQ, respectively. I'm cool... I actually think it's kinda neat how different folks do stuff. Except for the innocent oversights my sibling Carolinians from south of the vale make with their errant mustard sauces -- I say "bless their hearts" in the best spirit of our jocular, friendly rivalry :) But this reminds me of a thought I had about food and extreme viewpoints on campuses. *fangs extend* You know those programs, "Farm Shares," where you subscribe to a community supported agriculture system where for a fair price you periodically get to pick up a food box full of good, local, naturally grown produce? And it works to support the local farmers, who are able to voluntarily sign up for this sort of thing, trying to promote decent livelihoods for them, and they're able to plan in advance because they know how much stuff to grow, and the food doesn't have to get shipped all the way from California which saves energy and pollution, and the produce is seasonal, which helps induce you to learn new recipes for foods you maybe haven't cooked before (so THAT's how I braise asparagus....)? Sound pretty good? Everyone's a winner? Peace and love and understanding? Are we humming Kumbaya yet? I was talking about this with a friend who teaches at a university.... They told me that Farm Shares were the modern "form of sharecropping." *sharpens fangs. grins* Hello...? I thought I was supporting neighbors, the environment, natural foods, being healthy, learning about cooking? I dunno, we all say odd stuff sometimes. I do, and am thankful for the forgiveness of others. But this reminds me of a thought I had about food and extreme viewpoints on campuses.... Apparently I'm being evil and oppressive or something. Umm... sorry about that? You thought "supporting neighbors, the environment, natural foods, being healthy, learning about cooking" was unfriendly? You haven't seen unfriendly. But there are folks who will be more than happy to show you. In one of the places I'm from, I was a (very minor) elected left-of-center political party official. Left-of-center. I'm trying to help, but there are folks who will be more than happy to show you unfriendly. Gadflies serve a very important purpose in our marketplace of ideas ( That said, there is the danger of ranting yourself off the table and winding up relegated to the crazy-talk corner, with no voice in the conversation. Cry wolf too many times, and the priorities of others may get shifted. Away from yours. There is the danger of alienating the more centrist majorities, even those in agreement, who ultimately provide a lot of the heavy lifting with our time, talent, treasure, and votes toward the goals of the gadfly. We're good, decent folks -- with positive ideals and kind hearts supported by pragmatic traditions and reasonable financial thoughts.... Alienate us, chase us away, tick us off, put us in positions where we either have to cut bait and run or place us and ours in predicaments that are unreasonably vulnerable to witch-hunts... and there are a lot of folks who will make rational choices to back away... ... Leaving you dealing with some folks who are a lot less helpful. A lot less helpful. Good luck with that.


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