My blog, my webpage, me....
Ex-Shelby Star photographer, wrote a weekly outdoor adventure column. Now I'm a law student at UNC-Chapel Hill....
Let's hear it for institutional memory! A couple years ago this was written by one of our fine law students, Brian Ernst, and I think the wisdom still rings true....
Brian's Bar Review -
Today I will address a topic of great importance to incoming law students. Those of you from outside the
As you've likely heard, the law school organizes a weekly "Bar Review" during which a bar is chosen and the few law students with social lives assemble at the establishment. It's a great way to meet people you might not normally get to see, such as people in other colleges as well as students outside of law school who aren't nearly as neurotic as you are. This email should also assist in figuring out where these places are if you're not familiar with the area.
So... it's time once again for Brian's Bar Review, or BBR (not ever to be confused with PBR upon pain of death). In today's newsletter I will be providing a brief analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, and overall quality of bars on the eastern side of town. "East" generally refers to everything east of
* NOTE WELL: The views expressed herein represent only the opinions of the author and not necessarily of CLISA or UNC Law, though they should.
Without further ado, here's a bar-by-bar breakdown of
Location: Goldie's is actually located within a structure housing a walkway from
Strengths: Goldie's has an outside area which is awesome for most of the year. They usually have decent drink specials, and there are also lots of booths at which a group may sit. They have a little dance floor tucked away in the back on which only the drunkest of the drunk dance.
Weaknesses: Like some of the bars on
Drinks: 2/5; Atmosphere: 3/5; Service: 1/5; Overall: 3/5. Your typical
Location: On the corner of
Strenghts: The obvious forte of
Weaknesses: Besides usually having to pay a cover for a subpar band - I have terrible memories of one performing lounge versions of Led Zeppelin classics -
Drinks: 4/5; Atmosphere: 2/5; Service: 3/5; Overall: 2/5. Between their drinks and your casebooks you'll be refinancing soon enough.
Location: At the corner of
Strengths: TotH contains its own brewery where they make some excellent beers, in particular their IPA. If you can find a place to sit down outside, you get a great view of
Weaknesses: As my fellow rising 2Ls know, my personal boycott of TotH has been running strong for several months now. While the reasons are as varied as the shades of pink shirts inside, let me just say that if you do not like the preppy, popped-collar frat crowd, you will NOT like TotH. The sad part is that if there were no other customers it'd be a great place to go, but as it stands it's the symbol of every negative stereotype of UNC students one can imagine. There's also an interesting race between the girls and guys to see who can wear the shorter skirts/shorts which I don't quite understand but find amusing nonetheless. By the end of your semester, you will either love or hate this place. Guess which one I chose!
Drinks: 4/5; Atmosphere: 0/5; Service: 4/5; Overall 0/5. I will pay you money not to support this place.
Location: At the far eastern end of Franklin, right before McCalister's. Note there's an upstairs and a downstairs.
Strengths: ORDER THE CHEESE FRIES. I've lived in CH for five years now and this is the best food available. They prepare a huge basket of fries, smother them with cheese and bacon, serve them with a nice side of ranch and let you rock and roll. I've had nights here turn very sour because I paid more attention to the cheese fries than my date, but even worse is that I knew I made the right decision. Linda's also has good beer specials and a friendly atmosphere. Go there on slow nights and they'll play some great music; last time I was present they played entire albums by Tom Petty and Nine Inch Nails.
Weaknesses: Like many of the bars in
Drinks: 3/5; Atmosphere: 5/5; Service: 3/5; Overall: 5/5. One of my favorite bars on
Strengths: Lucy's has the best 80s nights outside of any place in CH not named Cat's Cradle. The bar staff is usually friendly and (more importantly) quick with your drinks. Like Goldie's, Lucy's has an outside area which is perfect for nice nights, but it's pretty small and tends to get crowded.
Weaknesses: The crowd at Lucy's mirrors what you might find at a place like Goldie's, which might seem stuck up if you're a socially conscious person. Also, it's a small place so it can be a tight fit on party nights. Finally, they typically require a cover even when no band is playing and no drink specials are offered. wtf mates?!
Drinks: 3/5; Atmosphere: 3/5; Service: 4/5; Overall: 3/5. If it weren't for 80s night, Lucy's would seem redundant.
Location: The blue-lighted bar near the intersection of E Franklin and
Strengths: Woody's is primarily a sports bar and for that purpose it works well. It's quite spacious and there are lots of places to sit and TVs to watch, so crowding isn't an issue except during bball season. It also serves greasy bar food at modest prices.
Weaknesses: Surprisingly, the drinks aren't that great (even the beer, which is often flat) and they tend to overcharge even on specials. Also, you'll occasionally run into one heavily inebriated fan of a random sports team who sits alone at a table, decorated in his team's gear, shouting and hollering after every first down, dunk, etc. Really, it'd be amusing if it wasn't so damn annoying. Make sure to get a seat early on game day.
Drinks: 2/5; Atmosphere: 4/5; Service: 2/5; Overall: 3/5. Going to Woody's gives me one. (Okay, it doesn't, but how often can you use that joke?)
Location: Near the corner of
Strengths: For the most part the Library is an unremarkable bar. It's biggest asset that I've found is it gives you the ability to say to yourself "I'm spending time at the library tonight" while you're double-fisting Sam Adams. Other than that, the bartending staff is usually really nice and they seem to run a lot of promos there through which you can get t-shirts and other neat stuff.
Weaknesses: No major problems, but some nights I walk by and the the music is absolutely BLARING from inside. It gives the place a sort of ghetto ambience [have those two words ever been put together before? I submit that they have not] which some might not enjoy.
Drinks: 3/5; Atmosphere: 3/5; Service: 5/5; Overall: 3/5. Much more fun than drinking in the law library.
Location: About half a block down
Strengths: I really like the atmosphere in Goodfellas. It's got that quaint pub sort of feeling and it attracts a somewhat older crowd usually. They usually have decent drink specials and the bartenders are more than competent.
Weaknesses: Goodfellas doesn't really have any glaring weaknesses other than the inevitable crowding than plagues most bars on
Drinks: 4/5; Atmosphere: 4/5; Service: 4/5; Overall: 4/5. Even better than the "Goodfeathers" skit from Animaniacs!
So that's the first installment of my bar review. I intended to cover virtually all of the bars on Franklin eventually but I think we all can agree I spent far too much time on this one, so that's pretty unlikely unless there's a huge demand otherwise. Of course, the best way to assess a bar is to simply pick one and go to it. UNC's Bar Review only hits about a handful of places - Goldie's, Lucy's, Linda's, TotH, The Library, and He's Not (on W Franklin) - so I encourage everyone to do some exploring on your own. Even on
Hope you all are enjoying your summer. Random thought, but is there anything more annoying than back to school commercials in July? I mean, geez, throw us a frickin' bone here. Anyway, I once again encourage everyone to come out to bar reviews if at all possible, especially if you don't know anyone here yet. I didn't know anyone here at first and now I've got lots of friends, right guys? ...guys? ...hey guys, where are you going...?
Have fun!
-Brian Ernst, rising 2L (pending review of this email)
AIM: FloydianSlip UNC
Labels: John Derrick, Law, Photography, UNC